In this laugh-out-loud half-hour family comedy, created by Katie Ford (Miss Congeniality, Desperate Housewives) and Jane Cooper Ford (Listen Missy, Material World), a family of ne’er-do-wells must band together to keep their heads above water when their father and breadwinner passes away, leaving them a mountain of debt.
The Engels must all go to work running dad’s storefront law firm, with one minor problem—daughter Jenna Engel (Kacey Rohl) is the only one who is qualified to practice law. Unfortunately for Jenna, this also means taking on her eccentric relatives as co-workers. Ceil (Andrea Martin), the self-absorbed and overly dramatic but fiercely protective mother works as the firm’s paralegal; Sandy (Azura Skye), a former pill-popper who has never worked a day in her life, is the firm’s receptionist and first line of defense; and Jimmy (Ben Arthur), a petty criminal and bad boy who is utterly devoted to his family, is the firm’s investigator. Jenna, the youngest sibling and ‘the good one,’ becomes the unlikely family patriarch, running the law firm and keeping her crazy family together.
It’s not pretty, but it’s family.
Katie Ford, Howard Busgang, Jane Cooper Ford, Noreen Halpern
Katie Ford, Jane Cooper Ford
Andrea Martin, Kacey Rohl, Azura Skye, Benjamin Arthur
NBC, Global TV